Dinaric Arc Parks


Kozjansko park is part of the Dinaric Arc Parks Network, which primarily aims to connect national, regional and landscape parks in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Slovenia, and Serbia. In terms of beauty, geographical location, biodiversity and degree of nature conservation, the Dinaric Arc ranks in one of the highest positions on a global scale. Activities of the Dinaric Arc Parks Association, which launched a brand named Parks Dinarides – a world undiscovered, are coordinated by the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF).

Some of the main goals of the Dinaric Arc Parks Association are to connect protected areas, offer technical support in terms of professional issues, as well as achieve better and joint promotion of the parks. By implementing joint development projects, the Association helps provide protected areas with assistance in raising funds. Being a regional association, it connects with similar associations and joins in the most prominent global and local initiatives for maintaining biodiversity.